Tuesday, July 7, 2015

How to reset the software of an Android phone or device that is unresponsive.

While Android is becoming better and better with each passed year, it's hard arguing against simple facts: its fragmented nature is often problematic and can be the cause of quite a few headaches. And we're not just talking about the differences from the software version of one device to the next, but also the many, many custom skins built on top of Android, and the various chipsets they work on. As you can imagine, software developers have to consider all of these variables with their apps, and that sometimes proves too great a challenge. Occasionally, we're just talking about genuinely bad code that goes rogue and breaks something. 

You're now stuck. You can reboot your device, but that last app that you thought sounds amazing broke something, and you just can't use your device properly. Worse yet, the issue is so serious that you can't even reset your device from Settings. So what do you do? Unless you've completely wiped your system partition, the easiest way to get back in business is to reset the device through its recovery. Here's how it works:

Step 1:( Access Recovery)  Accessing your phone's recovery (as a beginner) always requires that it first be shut down. From a powered down state, depending on your device, you get into recovery by pressing simultaneously Volume Up or Down + Power button. That is, it depends on your particular model, and if you want to be sure you're doing it right, the best thing you can do is simply Google it. In our experience, you'll find the combo within seconds. 

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Step 2: (Different Recoveries)Once you boot into recovery, you may end up with something that looks different from what you're seeing on your left (the stock 3e Android recovery). That's because some manufacturers include their own versions of it for one of many reasons, but the good news is that the option we're looking for is always available — Wipe data.

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Step 3: (Wipe) Now that you're in, just select wipe data/factory reset or similar if your recovery is different, by using the Volume Up and Volume Down keys to move around, and the Power button to select. Some recoveries also support touch, so you can use your fingers instead.

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Step 4: (Ok that Prompt) Next, you have to okay the prompt by selecting Yes in a sea of No'sJUST DO IT.

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Here is a video for you guys

The post found here

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